So An Ex-Blogger Returns...

Saturday, June 11, 2011
So, I may seem familiar to some of you, or I may be brand new, so if you know me, then hi. If not, well, my name is Deanna, I'm 16 years old, and most of the time I have a lot to say, so brace yourself. :)

I'm not like most 16 year olds, although I do have a car, I do drive, and I am currently looking for a summer job. I love being outside during the summer, although not just to get a tan or go swimming. Being stuck inside all winter and most of the spring (due to crappy weather) can take a toll on a person and the urge to be outside is overwhelming.

One thing I do almost non-stop is laugh. Laughter is definitely the best medicine and since I'm ridiculously ticklish, I'm laughing constantly.

I don't like conflict, and I try to avoid it whenever possible. I don't believe in violence but if you attack the people I care about then we're gonna have issues.

I'm blonde haired, blue eyed, and I'm kind of short depending on who you ask.

I'm a bookworm, it's true. I enjoy reading and I love to be able to escape the outside world. I will admit, someone of the guys in the stories I read are much more desirable than the ones I know in real life, and I do end up falling for them, it's true. Plus, when your internet and cable is out for about 2 months, what else are you going to do?

I have two true best friends: Kirby and Heather. I've known Kirby since 5th grade and we've been best friends since 6th. She's pretty much my shadow and we love almost the exact same books. Heather I've known a lot longer, since we were small. She's 17 and she's been there for me through everything. Sure, we've had our ups and downs but I think we've finally gotten rid of every negativity that jeopardizes our friendship.

I have 5 cats and 1 dog. I'm a total animal lover and people who abuse animals makes me mad to the point where I'm shaking.

I made a bunch of new friends this past year, and I'm so lucky that they're in my life. My friends make up a HUGE part of my life.

Let's see, what else... Oh yes, pet peeves.

1. Do not EVER mess with my friends. You'll regret it.
2. If you keep talking and talking and talking and you don't shut up for like an hour... I'm going to get ticked off.
3. If you *hate* gay people, then you're a complete and total moron. There is nothing wrong with a person being gay (unless you're extremely religious, but even then, the Bible says not to judge.) and if you call yourself a "homophobe" then you're dumber than a brick wall. Gay people are the best people in the world.
4. Don't judge someone before you get to know them. There may be a heartbreaking story behind why they act the way they do.

Favorites Things/People/Bands/Colors/Activities,etc:
1. Pasta
2. All Time Low
3. Purple
4. Harry Potter
5. Writing
6. Books
7. Reading
8. The Notebook
9. Pirates of the Caribbean <3
10. Doctor Who <3

I'm not able to sum up myself in this post, because I'm a very complex person. But, I do have a life motto that I follow, and here it is.

When I look back at myself 10 years from now, I won't regret the decisions I've made. Instead, I'll smile and be proud of the fact that I caught my mistakes early.



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